Our Purpose
To introduce you to the raw stories of real people who lost all reason before ultimately finding the true meaning of life. We encourage you not only to listen to the stories but to share the stories with others who may be fighting similar battles.
Help Yourself
Connect you to others who you can relate and identify with
One of the best ways to overcome your struggles is to connect with others who have fought similar battles. Traps are often escaped by following the footprints of others who have found peace meaning and forgiveness.
Help A Friend
Provide a tool that can be shared with friends to give them hope
Most of us know someone who is hurting and looking for answers but we often don’t know what to say or how to say it. Sharing these stories with others not only provides a proven pathway but it also becomes a roadmap to help others navigate through their own pain.
Help Someone You Never Met
To give your pain a purpose, outlet and platform
We are only as sick as our secrets. Communicating about our defeats and victories not only helps with our healing but it does the same for others. Knowing something positive can come from verbalizing our struggle helps to heal scars.
Our Story
The Darkest Hour is the culmination of this dream: to give to others what was first given to me.
A couple of years ago, while in New York, I found myself standing in Grand Central Station. While watching the masses of people scurry through the terminal, I began to wonder how many of them might be enduring the same hopelessness I had suffocated in for so many years. While most people looked successful and content, I knew that behind the veil of busyness in one of the world’s most enticing cities that many lacked a real sense of purpose in life. My mind flooded with the question of how many were hiding behind a masquerade: one of pain and uncertainty?
Within months, I found myself in another influential city, Los Angeles, California. After leaving a studio near rush hour, I got stuck in the quicksand of traffic on Interstate 5. Sitting still in the middle of the freeway, I began looking at the scores of people parked all around me. That same question I wrestled in New York, began to arrest my attention. Could it be that in spite of all the stars, glamour and beauty of California that multitudes were still unable to discover life’s meaning? I just sat wondering… and hoped I could wanting to find a way to offer some hope.
Through these two experiences, I began to pray and search for a way to connect people with others whom they could relate to. I believed then and still believe now, in the power of an authentic story. Knowing that we are not alone and witnessing first hand the life-changing transformations of others, can have an explosive and eternal impact on you. I know that it has impacted me.
The Darkest Hour is the culmination of this dream, to give to others what was first given to me. I am convinced that the most important thing a person can know is not when they were born but WHY. My hope is that The Darkest Hour will help you discover the purpose for your life.

Jay Lowder